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Mrs Jago – Significant Improvement from Exercise Physiology

Updated: Jul 31, 2018

Mrs Jago is a 90 year old who lives with her husband who is 91.

Mrs Jago and Jenna Davie (Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Care Forward)

They live independently in their own home and receive some services from VHC, as her husband served in World War Two.

Mrs Jago was referred to Care Forward for Exercise Physiology services after receiving a My Aged Care Home Support Assessment. This assessment identified concerns with her strength and balance, which in turn affected her mobility.

Before starting the program, Mrs Jago’s primary obstacle to mobility had been her confidence. Through gentle strength and balance activities she became stronger and more confident, and became more mobile. Her husband couldn’t believe the changes he saw in her.

After completing the program, Mrs Jago could get in and out of the car with ease, walk independently from the car to the back door, manage steps (with assistance) and stand at the kitchen sink without holding on. According to Mrs Jago, this has made a huge difference to her quality of life and she achieved well beyond her goals and expectations.

The clinical results of this program confirmed significant improvement in Mrs Jago’s cardiovascular fitness, strength and balance. These results revealed an improvement in resting blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen levels; exercising heart rate and oxygen; leg strength; grip strength; muscle endurance; both static and dynamic balance; resulting in a reduced falls risk.

Client Testimonial

All my life I have lived near bushland and have enjoyed and appreciated nature. I enjoyed my walks listening to bird-songs and gazing at the colours of the wildflowers, shrubs and trees. Age, arthritis and a slight stroke ended these enjoyable walks.

I asked for help from ‘My Aged Care’, and was accepted into Care Forward’s Restorative Care Program for which I am very grateful. Beginning with simple exercises and progressing to more difficult ones, my mobility has improved dramatically. Although I still use my walker I have learned to stride instead of ‘tottering’. I can get in and out of bed and from a chair easier and can even go down two steps to get to the sun porch where I can now sit to enjoy reading the paper; which I haven’t been able to do in over 5 years.

Jenna, my Exercise Physiologist was sensitive to the needs of the Aged and treated me with dignity and understanding, yet made plain her expectation of my co-operation. She is an encourager and enthusiastically commends improvement without being patronizing. She is a sincere mentor and is genuinely pleased to see improvement.

Thank you for this program. It has been a means of improving my mobility which is a great blessing to me.

Mrs Jago, Care Forward Client


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