Mission, Vision & Values
Empowering more people to live well.
To be the trusted Tasmanian provider of choice for people wanting to enhance their health and wellbeing.
What it means for us
How we do it
Means being genuine, honest, dependable, consistent and ethical.
I am trustworthy, reliable, honest, dependable and accountable.
I respect difference and confidentiality.
I honour your choices.
Means being clear, articulate and approachable using listening skills and mutual respect.
I listen. I am sensitive, transparent and friendly. I respect confidentiality and will advocate with honesty
Means being creative and solving problems; thinking outside the square.
I can adapt to suit individual needs.
I am open to change and new ideas.
I am innovative and seek solutions.
Means having and sharing information to empower others and ourselves to have the confidence to make positive choices.
I promote independence and wellness for our clients by applying these values and tailoring services to suit the individual.
I respect your right to take a risk.
Means acceptance, building trust, relationships, not excluding, involving people in their decisions, offering choices and embracing diversity.
I recognise each person and respect and value their individual stories.
I am open minded, inclusive and know that we are all unique.
Means a commitment to
learning, knowledge,
process and relationships.
I contribute to the team and
a supportive environment.
I am a consistently
personable approachable,
relatable team member.